Global Vision

True Global Vision
Set your company apart by commissioning a sculpture that represents your corporate identity or logo for your lobby or courtyard.
Then known as the Midwest Stock Exchange, the brilliant new Executive VP of Marketing knew the Exchange had to break out of its stodgy past and aggressively grab a new future if it was to survive. He found a kindred spirit in Lauren Grey.
Our path to solution – we developed a series of strategies and translated them into creative, effective marketing tools.
A re-brand that began for the Midwest Stock Exchange and ended years later when they changed the name to ‘ChicagoStock Exchange’.
The Visitors Gallery. It’s goal was education and entertainment of visitors from around the world, young and old alike, the activities on the trading floor they were overlooking. Graphics depicted how a trade was made and the back office action. 100+ years of business in Chicago was represented with archival photographs. The highlight of the Visitor’s Gallery was the recycling video program Lauren produced which demonstrated the excitement of being a trader on the floor.
“Global Vision”. The Exchange then asked Lauren Grey to create an appropriate marketing tool for their new business venture. They had developed a revolutionary new trading floor with the latest high-end technology. They wanted to sell themselves, their technology, to other exchanges around the world and they sought an innovative way to promote
the new business. Grey created “Global Vision”, an 11′ x 11′ sculpture conveying the innovative technology the Exchange was offering.
Beyond that. Grey then created 100 miniature sculptures of “Global Vision”. The Exchange gifted these works of art to the dignitaries who visited while considering hiring the Exchange.
“Lauren, your huge body of work for the Exchange over the better part of the last decade, beginning with our corporate identity program all the way through the creation of the extraordinary sculpture “Global Vision” has been pivotal in the strategic re-development and market positioning of the Exchange. From your savvy business acumine through your powerful creativity, you have impressed yourself on the world of financial trading forever. We are proud to have partnered with you and grateful for your efforts on our behalf. We appreciate you treating our business with the care and devotion as if it was your own. Truly this has all been an exciting experience and we all thank you. …Sincerely, Homer Oliver Livingston, President and CEO, The Chicago Stock Exchange